War, score card not scoring

Sep 11, 2015
Help please, I was in 20/20 the day we voted anded someone voted for a team she did not like she had a fit and the very next morning she blamed me for it which it was not me anyways, she said some pretty hurtfully things to me and told me she wanted me out of the crew etc. So I left which was at 12:15am that morning the day after we voted. The following morning at 12:17 pm I joined Red Hot Tomales and was in there crew for 24 hours before the war started. both 20/20 and Red hot are black teams so I had the black square over my head the whole time. I do have the score card but i will not let me score. Can you fix this or do I have sypress to thank for this. Thanks and please help.
Sep 11, 2015
I just lost connections for a slip second thought it was you guys fixing it, however, it's not fixed please let me know one way or the other so I can quit trying or some ok. Thanks
Sep 16, 2015
DD, this post makes absolutely no sense and has nothing to do with me. You being out of our crew also has nothing to do with me. That was all you and your weirdnesses. It was a crew decision and had nothing to do with the voting. But once again, that has zero bearing on your actual issue with the war scoring. Please stop finding ways to shine an ugly light on 20/20. We let you in, you didnt fit. Simple. Get over it. Move on. Enjoy your life :)
Sep 16, 2015
what ever it was fixed